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Searching for Majorana Zero Modes Using Model-free Reinforcement Learning
Two-photon polarisation entangled states using partially spatially coherent pump beam
Mode-identification using multi-colour photometric data of beta Cephei stars
Characterization of variable stars using the ASAS and SuperWASP databases
Nuclear structure studies in the A=136 mass region using transfer reactions.
Ionospheric characterisation of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly using a mobile ship-based
Comparison of two scanning modalities for ancestry estimation using the mid-facial skeleton.
Using the Higgs as a portal to the “hidden sector”
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Search for Zγ high-mass resonances using the ATLAS Detector
Stellar perturbation via Lie derivatives
Analytic density functionals
Tsallis entropy and quantum uncertainty in information measurement
A phenomenological description of the bath and its effect in photosynthetic light-harvesting systems
Structural, electronic and optical properties of gold nitrides
Abstract content <br> (Max 300 words)<br><a href=””
Warm inflation and Swampland conjecture Haidar Sheikhahmadi
Dissipative Dynamics of a Spinless Electron Strongly Interacting with the Environment of Spinless
Corrigendum to Unifying Dark Matter and Dark Energy in Chaplygin Gas Cosmology
Are we gauging the pressure correctly?
Constraining f(R)-gravity models with recent cosmological data