7.6 Conclusions
During the discussion, it was noted that certain coping options associated with poor households were linked to certain social clusters. These coping patterns were traced to historic configurations of discrimination, restricted access to financial, credit, market data and information services. Poor households resorted to child labour to survive, or sacrifice fecund resources to purchase food. Political relationships also regulated who has access to employment and amenities. Thus, the jury emphasised that there was need to examine the coping strategies in order to identify the commonly adopted strategies when households failed to satisfy their food requirements. Thus, the discussions concluded that it was vital to differentiate those coping options that were not viable and coping options that resulted in positive outcomes.
The jury gave a determination on household coping security outcomes. It was agreed that in order to determine whether households were effective in pursuing their coping strategies, it is imperative to assess the outcome processes that capture need or welfare fulfilment. Education, constant availability of food, health, communal network involvement, habitat, education, physical security and ecological protection are coping outcomes that should be expected. The examination of outcomes should govern what necessities are presently not met, and also trade- offs between needs. The need to establish household-based coping monitoring methods that allow households to track their susceptibility to food deficit was also emphasised. This information assists in determining the food deficit threat and the effectiveness of preferred coping strategies.
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