3.10 Conclusions
74 3.9 Funding and Ethical Clearance
Ethical clearance was secured from the University of Venda Research Ethics Committee (certificate number SARDF/15/IRD/05/0610) (Appendix 1). Thereafter, permission to conduct the study was sought from the local leadership of the Chipinge community. This was achieved through holding meetings with chiefs, household heads and extension officers. These meetings helped to gain community entry and connecting with the study participants
After obtaining approval to conduct the research, further clarifications were given to participants with the purpose of explaining the study and how the findings would be utilized. This cleared the path to get informed consent from the respondents to participate in this study. A written approval form that clarified the research focus to participants, as well as individual rights and obligations (Appendix 5) was given to the respondents. In order to guarantee that their contribution was voluntary, all the data gathering tools were accompanied by the consent form. Ethical guidelines guaranteed that possible benefits overshadowed residual risks.
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