needed, where does frustration occur, where is improvement needed?” confirms the observation. Confirmation bias is the tendency to selectively seek evidence of information that conform to one’s beliefs. In light of this, I intend to pursue in possible doctoral work, an analytical comparison and investigation between classic traditional interviews and photo- elicitation interviews (Meo, 2010), and how confirmation bias give rise to different ideas of meaning making. The question and response above suggests that the two interview methods (and underlying confirmation bias) could provide diverse response dynamics.
This thesis highlighted the indifference of government and institutional policymakers for local symbols and meanings educators assign to ICT. As a consequence, educator discourses about lack of support in their technological difficulties emerged. Future studies may look to examine the symbolic manifestations or ideologies of technology prevalent in ICT policy framework design, specifically funding norms in ICT innovation. Findings in literature and from participant data in this thesis suggest funding is mismanaged. This perspective may perhaps reveal undiscovered aspects that hinder successful ICT implementation and adoption. Studies may particularly explore the extent to which symbolic interactionism is instrumental for ICT policymaking.
The “distance learning landscape” (Department of Higher Education, 2014:53) is gaining prominence in TVET. E-learning design, implementation and use will certainly be central in this phenomenon. Problematic issues relating educational ICT for physical use in education are clearly unresolved. Therefore, it makes one think about the technological challenges that will manifest in the distance learning landscape, and subsequently the readiness of TVET to engage in distance learning. Interactionists can employ the conceptual resources of the interactionist framework to pursue research that examine the identities in virtual academic communities; in particular, meaning making during online technological experiences and encounters.
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