5.5 Future Research that ought to be Conducted and how this
Previous research studies focussing on the causes of delay in completion of building projects has shown that the views of the consultants and clients and those of the contractors may not necessarily be the same. Interested researchers are therefore invited to conduct a similar study, but based on the views of the contractors. The outcome of such a study may then be combined with the findings of this study to give a more valid and reliable conclusion.
This study also revealed interesting trends with respect to the responsibility of the employer for delays in completion of building projects. Table 26 for instance shows that the employer caused 57% of the recorded delays for projects carried out and completed by non-citizen contractors as compared to 31% in the case of 100% citizen contractors. Why is the employer responsible for a greater proportion of the recorded delays on projects carried out by non-citizen contractors compared to projects carried out by citizen contractors? To answer questions such as the above, interested researchers are invited to conduct studies similar to this study, but focussing on delays caused by the employer.
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1. Indicate by an appropriate tick the status of the construction firm that carried out the project under study:
• Citizen contractor (100% citizen)
• Majority owned (51% and over citizen owned)
• Joint venture contractor (25% - 50% citizen owned)
• Expatriate contractor (less than 25% citizen owned)
2. Indicate with an appropriate tick the category of the contractor that carried out and completed the project:
• Category C
• Category D
• Category E
3. The following relates to building construction projects that commenced not earlier than January 2000 and were completed not later than July 2004.
• What was the original or planned contractual duration of the project? --- ---(weeks/days)
• What was the actual duration of the project? ---(weeks /days)
• What was the total delay? --- (weeks/days)
• Of the total delay, how much was caused by the contractor? --- (weeks / days)
• Of the total delay, how much was caused by the employer? --- -- (weeks / days)
• Of the total delay, how much was caused by circumstances beyond the control of the contractor and the employer?--- (weeks / days)
4. what type or form of building contract was used for the project? --- ---
5. List down the causes of delay attributable to the construction firm, or caused by the construction firm, in regard to this project. For each cause of delay, indicate the extent of delay in weeks or days.
(a). Cause --- --- ---Delay --- (weeks / days)
(b). Cause --- --- --- Delay --- (weeks / days)
(c). Cause --- --- --- Delay --- (weeks / days)
(d). Cause --- --- --- Delay --- (weeks / days)