Future studies can validate the findings of this research by expanding the research sample with more participants and more organisations within the financial services industry.
Four objectives were identified in this study, namely: i) to identify communication strategies and systems that could enable the transfer of knowledge between employees; ii) to identify the factors affecting the transfer of knowledge within an organisation; iii) to examine the generational communication needs and preferences of both the givers and the receivers of knowledge and their impact on knowledge transfer; and iv) to propose a knowledge transfer method that meets the needs of the organisation. Of these four objectives, the study explored intensely the factors affecting the transfer of knowledge between employees. Future studies can look further into communication strategies and systems for knowledge, explore generational communication needs and preferences, and propose a communication method for knowledge transfer.
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August 2015
Masters in Business Information Systems Graduate Centre for management
Dear Sir / madam,
I am currently conducting research for a part-time Masters programme at the Faculty of Business and Management Sciences at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology and would appreciate your participation in order to complete the study. Below is the summary of what the research entails:
Knowledge Management (KM) is an identified key role player in assisting organisations to accomplish their desired goals and objectives by managing the knowledge embedded in systems and within individuals. Furthermore, KM considers the use of advanced technology for enhancing existing knowledge, creating new knowledge and transferring knowledge.
However, the process of managing knowledge cannot be successful without proper communication. When this knowledge and expertise are not transferred the organisation is faced with a loss of intellectual capital as employees enter and leave organisations with knowledge and expertise. It is therefore critical to know who knows what, who needs to know what and how, to transfer the knowledge throughout the organisations.
Hence, the research aims at exploring the dynamics of knowledge transfer with reference to communication strategies, tools, methods and system for knowledge transfer within a financial institution. The focus will be on communication strategies, tools, methods and systems that the company can implement in order transfer knowledge between different parts of the organisation and its interest groups. The research philosophy is that of a subjectivist and interpretivist stance with a descriptive research approach. The research approach that will be used will include the collection of qualitative data through non- probability, purposive sampling method. The data are to be collected using semi-structured questionnaires and will be analysed using descriptive data analysis techniques.
To render the study ethical, the rights to self-determination, anonymity, confidentiality, and informed consent and ethics as prescribed by the university will be observed. The research study will help the selected company improve its communication strategies and systems for knowledge transfer. The study is expected to identify the specific communication strategies, tools, methods and systems that are preferred in a specific organisation and for specific