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Head of Department Ms. J Isaacs

In document The web: www.daff.gov.za/publications (Page 143-149)

Address Western Cape Private Bag X1 ELSENBURG 7607

Tel 021 808 5006

Fax 021 808 5000

E-mail [email protected]

ERP Provincial Coordinator Ms. C Levendal

Address Private Bag X1 ELSENBURG 7607

Tel 021 808 5199

Cell phone 082 801 3865

E-mail [email protected]


District Director: Mr. M.S Mentani• Tel: 021 483 7778• Email: [email protected] Address: Goulburn Centre, C/o Voortrekker Road & Goulburn Street, Goodwood, 7460

No Local Municipality Commodity Focus/Area of Focus Surname and Initial Cell Number Phone Number E-mail Address

1 City of Cape Town Admin Support Botha S.L. 084 713 9091 021 572 4481/6 [email protected]

2 City of Cape Town Admin Support Duminy D. 072 895 1478 021 948 6966 [email protected]

3 City of Cape Town Admin Support Khuzo Z.G. 083 789 2845 021 948 6966 [email protected]

4 City of Cape Town Admin Support Matanzima Z. 078 212 6743 021 361 0555 [email protected]

5 City of Cape Town Admin Support Nongubo Z. 081 487 9632 021 371 5517 [email protected]

6 City of Cape Town Animal Production De Rouw L. 082 908 4109 021 948 6966 [email protected]

7 City of Cape Town Economist Mentani P. 083 679 6417 021 948 6966 [email protected]

8 City of Cape Town Economist Saliwe D. 082 808 0989 021 948 6966 [email protected]

9 City of Cape Town Vegetables Abels K. 083 675 1231 021 572 1246 [email protected]

10 City of Cape Town Vegetables Malatji P. 082 941 3996 021 948 6966 [email protected]

11 City of Cape Town Vegetables Modise J. 079 511 3611 021 948 6966 [email protected]

12 City of Cape Town Vegetables Monegi P. 083 675 1209 021 371 8996 [email protected]

13 City of Cape Town Vegetables Njozela B. 083 503 6505 021 361 0562 [email protected]

14 City of Cape Town Vegetables Onceya M. 083 675 1304 021 361 0562 [email protected]

15 City of Cape Town Vegetables, Animal Production Obose A. 083 641 1396 021 361 0562 [email protected]

16 City of Cape Town Vegetables Mapethu M.P. 078 369 7821 021 361 0562 [email protected]

17 City of Cape Town Vegetables Ntombela S.T. 082 909 3957 021 361 0562 [email protected]

District Director: Mr Wilton September (Acting) • Tel: 021 886 2560 • Email: [email protected] Address: Cape Winelands district: 4th Floor, ABSA Bulding, Pleinstreet, STELLENBOSCH, 7600

No Local Municipality Commodity Focus/Area of Focus Surname and Initial Cell Number Phone Number E-mail Address

18 Drakenstein Admin Support Kampies V.D. 078 369 8512 021 873 0241 [email protected]

19 Drakenstein Animal production Mahlathini E.P. 082 880 3530 021 873 0241 [email protected]

20 Drakenstein Vegetable production Abrahams J. 082 881 8706 021 873 0241 juliana2elsenburg.com

21 Drakenstein Animal production Burger M. 071 680 0520 021 873 0241 [email protected]

22 Langeberg Admin Support Pekeur S. 072 968 2153 023 614 3610 [email protected]

23 Langeberg Animal production Swanepoel G.J. 082 808 1098 023 614 3610 [email protected]

24 Langeberg Food Security,Viticulture,Deciduous fruits Mpotulo S. 082 941 0742 023 614 3610 [email protected]

25 Stellenbosch Admin Support Smit N. 083 589 2587 021 883 2500 [email protected]

26 Stellenbosch Vegatables September W.F. 083 642 4332 021 883 2560 [email protected]

27 Stellenbosch Viticulture,Animal Production,Alternative Crops Theron J. 082 651 7470 021 883 2560 [email protected]

28 Stellenbosch Economist Deliwe P. 079 511 3613 021 883 2560 [email protected]

29 Stellenbosch Viticulture Van Schalkwyk J.T. 076 191 3747 021 883 2560 [email protected]

30 Stellenbosch Aquaculture Endemann F. 071 6800 522 021 808 5218 [email protected]

31 Stellenbosch Animal production Davids A.H. 081 698 2314 021 808 5375 [email protected]

32 Witzenberg Vegetables Production, Crop Production Maatjie M.A. 082 766 1555 023 312 1021 [email protected]

33 Witzenberg Admin Support Philander T. 076 365 1598 023 312 1021 [email protected]

District Director: Mr Frederick Mpona• Tel: 023 415 3134• Email: [email protected] Address: Cape Karoo District: P.O. Box 66, Beaufort-West 6970,

No Local Municipality Commodity Focus/Area of Focus Surname and Initial Cell Number Phone Number E-mail Address

34 Central Karoo Admin Support Stuurman Z. 084 759 8623 023 415 3134 [email protected]

35 Central Karoo Specialiast Agricultural Advisor Mpona G.F. 079 699 0998 023 415 3134 [email protected]

36 Central Karoo Horticulture Lingishi L.S. 082 901 1780 023 415 3134 [email protected]

37 Central Karoo Senior Agricultural Advisor Sonjica M. 083 679 6416 049 844 0085 [email protected]

38 Central Karoo Admin Clerk Manoko I. 079 538 2586 023 415 3134 [email protected]

39 Central Karoo Admin Support Nomeva P. 083 596 2356 049 844 0365 [email protected]

40 Central Karoo Admin Clerk Van der Linde A. 071 987 5289 023 415 3134 [email protected] 41 Central Karoo Agricultural Advisor Erasmus V.S. 083 644 0626 023 415 3134 [email protected]

42 Central Karoo Sheep Mokhele X.C. 083 785 1214 023 415 3134 [email protected]

43 Central Karoo Senior Agricultural Advisor Kepadisa D.H. 083 392 7174 023 415 3134 [email protected]

44 Central Karoo Economist Meso R.J. 079 948 1768 023 415 3134 [email protected]

45 Laingsburg Admin Support Van Rensburg A.H. 078 652 3214 023 551 1034 [email protected] 46 Laingsburg Senior Agricultural Advisor Du Plessis C.G. 082 651 7465 023 551 1034 [email protected]

47 Prince Albert Admin Support Jithoo N. 078 752 2012 023 541 1970 [email protected]

48 Prince Albert Sheep Februarie A. 082 651 7464 023 541 1324 [email protected]

District Director: Mr. Willem Burger • Tel: 044 803 3731• Email: [email protected] Address: P.O. Box 29, George 6530,

No Local Municipality Commodity Focus/Area of Focus Surname and Initial Cell Number Phone Number E-mail Address 49 Eden District Senior Agricultural Advisor Booysen J.B. 082 809 9947 044 382 1061 [email protected] 50 Eden District Agricultural Advisor Mkhatshwa P. 082 317 3126 044 382 1061 [email protected]

51 Eden District Piggery Senyatsi K. 082 880 3538 044 803 3700 [email protected]

52 Eden District Admin Support Cronje P.A. 082 907 2811 044 803 3741 [email protected]

53 Eden District Admin Support Jacobs B.J. 044 803 3731 [email protected]

54 Eden District Agricultural Economist & Diary Burger W.J. 082 909 9346 044 803 3713 [email protected] 55 Eden District Animal Husbandry & diary nutrition Matthee S.W. 082 907 1136 044 803 3710 [email protected] 56 Eden District Agricultural Advisor Bruintjies M.L. 083 642 7289 044 690 5109 [email protected] 57 Eden District Food Security,Ostriches,sheep Jansen M.A. 083 642 6805 028 713 3305 [email protected] 58 Eden District Food Security, Vegetable production Kleinhans R.J.L. 083 649 6943 044 803 3717 [email protected] 59 Eden District Food Security, Vegetable production Nzuza M.A. 084 724 1752 044 803 3717 [email protected]

60 Eden District Horticulture Swart P. 084 604 6704 044 803 3716 [email protected]

61 Eden District Sheep, Cattle Grobler H.J.F. 079 6991159 044 873 2736 [email protected]

62 Eden District Training specialist & Skills audits Phetlhu M.P. 079 513 6255 044 803 3711 [email protected]

63 Eden District Pomology and Sheep Butler K. 083 798 5623 044 803 306 [email protected]

64 Hessequa Food Security,Ostriches,sheep Nortje P.L.F. 082 320 6035 028 713 3305 [email protected] 65 Kannaland Agricultural Advisor Salmon C.W. 082 651 7466 028 551 1017 [email protected] 66 Kannaland Senior Agricultural Advisor Mjamba N.E. 071 680 0524 028 551 1017 [email protected] 67 Mosselbay Administrative Assistant Adams C.D. 073 589 6354 044 690 5109 [email protected] 68 Mosselbay Senior Agricultural Advisor Badenhorst D. 082 801 3750 044 690 5109 [email protected] 69 Mosselbay Agricultural Advisor Van der Merwe J. 082 880 3482 044 690 5109 [email protected] 70 Oudtshoorn Ostrich Specialist Van Schalkwyk S.J. 083 642 0612 044 242 6077 [email protected] 71 Oudtshoorn Tobacco, Ostriches, Beef Grootboom D. 082 651 7468 044 279 1910 [email protected] 72 Oudtshoorn Administrative Assistant Abrahams M.M. 083 598 4536 044 272 6077 [email protected]

73 Oudtshoorn Beef, Sheep Terblanche I. 082 907 2802 044 272 6077 [email protected]

74 Oudtshoorn Tobacco, Ostriches, Beef Guder E.A. 082 907 3397 044 272 6077 [email protected]

District Director: Mr Lundi Kama• Tel: 028 424 1439• Email: [email protected] Address: P.O. Box 1138, Bredasdorp 7280,

No Local Municipality Commodity Focus/Area of Focus Surname and Initial Cell Number Phone Number E-mail Address

75 Overberg Admin Clerk Masoleng L.V. 082 139 2444 028 424 1439 [email protected]

76 Overberg Agric Advisor Matsheng S.H. 082 805 9736 028 514 1196 [email protected]

77 Overberg Economist Kama L.D. 083 649 6945 028 424 1439 [email protected]

78 Overberg Admin Support Jacobs C. 078 333 5025 028 424 1439 [email protected]

79 Overberg Animal Production Chiloane M.S. 082 884 7532 028 424 1439 [email protected]

81 Swellendam Economist Shiba P.G. 072 548 3698 028 424 1439 [email protected]

82 Theewaterskloof Specialist Agricultural Advisor Van Rooyen C.L. 082 908 5641 028 212 1158 [email protected] 83 Theewaterskloof Senior Agricultural Advisor Matlhoahela T. 082 907 2804 028 212 1158 [email protected]

84 Theewaterskloof Admin Support De Witt J.P. 078 154 7895 028 212 1158 [email protected]

85 Theewaterskloof Fruit production Gedze A.V.N. 079 510 6403 028 212 1158 [email protected]

86 Theewaterskloof Vegetable production Carelson C.P.R. 083 629 9253 028 251 8145 [email protected] 87 Theewaterskloof Vegetables production Xovula H. 078 271 3136 028 424 1439 [email protected]

In document The web: www.daff.gov.za/publications (Page 143-149)