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Recommendations for future studies

In document LIST OF TABLES (Page 72-86)



5.4 Recommendations for future studies

Future studies on the area of ICFS can look at the following:

Firstly, for future studies it is also possible to use the same regression model highlighted in Chapter 3 of this study to test the CFSI of non-financial firms that are listed on the JSE versus


those that are unlisted. Unlisted firms are generally constrained because they have limited access to capital markets, hence, they would act as a good proxy for constrained firms. Data on unlisted private firms can be obtained directly from the owners of these companies or from their auditors who would have to seek permission from the owners first. State owned firms’

data can be obtained from the Auditor General South Africa (AGSA) or Department of Public Enterprises (DPE).

Secondly, future studies can also attempt to assess the CFSI across different industries.

Industries differ in terms of cash flows and access to finance, thus, a study on CFSI for different industries would identify how constrained each sector is and the extent to which investments are dependent on internally-generated cash flows.

Lastly, future studies can also do a comparative study of ICFS amongst South African JSE listed non-financial firms as a developing country versus listed firms in a developed country.

Differences in capital market developments and institutional differences should have an effect on the ICFS of these countries’ firms. This could provide insight in the analysis and reduce possible sample selection bias associated with using companies listed on only one stock exchange.


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