This chapter outlines the experimental methods and procedures used in this study. Descriptions of the experimental setup and instrumentation are also provided.
Separation of different components
PCB, Display, Battery, Plastics, Steel, etc
Cutting and Crushing (< 3 mm size)
Metal content determination (Au, Cu) AAS for metal analysis of leachate samples
2k factorial design (H2SO4 and H2O2) AAS for metal analysis of leachate samples
2k factorial design (PCB pre-treatment, metal oxidant) AAS for metal analysis of leachate samples
Iodimetric titration for thiosulphate concentration
Figure 3-1: Flow diagram of the research methodology
46 3.1.3 Acid Pre-treatment
Experimental Conditions
The acid pre-treatment (leaching) experiments were carried out according to a 2k factorial design (Table 3-1) consisting of two numerical factors (k = 2), namely sulphuric acid concentration and hydrogen peroxide concentration, and the factor levels were 2 M and 3 M (Birloaga et al., 2013;
Behnamfard et al., 2013). The copper extraction and gold extraction were the responses investigated in the acid pre-treatment. Each experimental run was replicated twice to test for experimental repeatability and, more importantly, to assess factor interactions. The other parameters such as pulp density, reaction time, stirring speed and temperature were kept constant, as shown in Table 3-2.
Table 3-1: Factorial experimental design of acid pre-treatment
Factor 1 Factor 2 Response 1 Response 2 Run H2SO4
Cu Extraction (%)
Au Extraction (%)
1 2 3
2 3 2
3 2 3
4 3 3
5 3 2
6 3 3
7 2 2
8 2 2
Table 3-2: Fixed conditions used in acid pre-treatment (Birloaga et al., 2013; Behnamfard et al., 2013)
Pulp density (g/L)
Temp (°C)
Time (h)
Stirring Speed (rpm)
50 25 3 350
47 Experimental Procedure
The acid leaching experiments were conducted in the jacketed reactor as shown in the experimental rig setup in Figure 3-2. The lixiviant solution was prepared by transferring a pre- determined volume of deionized water to the reactor, followed by the dropwise addition of the required amount of H2SO4.
The selected volume of H2O2 was then added in small quantities while gently stirring the mixture.
The temperature of the lixiviant solution was allowed to stabilise at 25°C before adding PCBs to the mixture in a slow manner. The reaction was carried out under the fume hood for 3 hours.
Samples were collected every 30 minutes for metal analysis (Cu and Au) by AAS. At the end of the experiment, the solid residue was filtered, dried and its mass was recorded.
3.1.4 Ammonium Thiosulphate Leaching
Experimental Conditions
The ammonium thiosulphate (ATS) leaching experiments were designed following a 2k factorial design (Table 3-3) consisting of two categorical factors (k = 2), namely PCB pre-treatment and metal oxidant. The PCB pre-treatment factor had two levels: (i) without acid pre-treatment (w/o AP) and (ii) with acid pre-treatment (with AP). The acid pre-treatment was carried out at the optimum reagent combination. The metal oxidant had two levels: (i) copper and (ii) nickel. The reagent concentrations (ATS, ammonia, metal oxidant) and other parameters were fixed, as shown in Tables Table 3-4 and Table 3-5. The gold extraction and thiosulphate consumption were the responses investigated in the ATS leaching.
Table 3-3: Factorial experimental design of ammonium thiosulphate leaching
Factor 1 Factor 2 Response 1 Response 2
Metal Oxidant
Au Extraction (%)
ATS Consumption (kg/t-PCB)
1 w/o AP Ni
2 with AP Cu
3 with AP Ni
4 with AP Ni
5 with AP Cu
6 w/o AP Cu
7 w/o AP Ni
8 w/o AP Cu
Table 3-4: Fixed conditions used in copper-thiosulphate leaching (Petter et al., 2015; Kasper &
Veit, 2015; Tripathi et al., 2012; Ha et al., 2010) Pulp density
(°C) pH Time
Stirring Speed (rpm)
50 0.1 0.2 0.03 25 10.5 6 350
Table 3-5: Fixed condition used in nickel-thiosulphate leaching (Petter et al., 2015; Kasper & Veit, 2015; Tripathi et al., 2012; Ha et al., 2010)
Pulp density (g/L)
(°C) pH Time
Stirring Speed (rpm)
50 0.1 0.2 0.03 25 10.5 6 350
Experimental Procedure
The ATS leaching experiments were conducted in the same jacketed reactor described in Figure 3-2. The lixiviant solution was prepared by transferring the pre-determined volume of deionised water to the reactor, followed by the required reagent quantities. For the copper-thiosulphate leaching system, the order of reagent addition was copper(II) sulphate, ammonium hydroxide and ammonium thiosulphate. For the nickel-thiosulphate leaching system, the order of reagent addition was nickel(II) sulphate, ammonium hydroxide and ammonium thiosulphate. Atluri (1987) suggested that this order of reagent addition aided in preventing unwanted side reactions and the formation of precipitation products during the lixiviant preparation, which would ultimately impede the gold leaching. The PCBs were then added, and the leaching process was allowed to proceed for 6h, with the temperature and pH maintained at 25°C and 10.5, respectively. The pH was controlled throughout the experimental runs using 10% NaOH and 10% H2SO4 solutions. For ATS leaching experimental runs involving acid pre-treatment, the acid leaching step was first carried out at the optimum reagent combination (H2SO4 and H2O2) and fixed conditions shown in Table 3-2. After that, the solid residue was filtered, dried and weighed before subjecting it to the ammonium thiosulphate leaching step. Samples were collected every 60 minutes for gold analysis by AAS and thiosulphate analysis by iodimetric titration.
49 3.1.5 Iodimetric Titration of Thiosulphate
The thiosulphate consumption in the ATS leaching (with copper and nickel oxidants) was determined by iodimetric titration as outlined by Arima et al. (2004). A 20 mL leachate sample was acidified with 10% v/v H2SO4 to a pH range of 7 - 7.5 prior to titration against a solution consisting of 5 mL of 0.05M (0.1N) iodine to which 2 mL of 2g/L starch solution and 2 mL of 5% acetate buffer solution (pH 5.5) were added. Starch was used as the indicator, and the endpoint of the titration was observed when the colour changed from dark brown to milky-white in the copper-thiosulphate leaching, and from dark brown to colourless for the nickel-thiosulphate leaching.