6.3.3 Suggestions for future studies
Based on the findings from recent studies, including this study, indicating substantial uptake of management accounting practices, management accounting tools and utilization of budgets among SMEs, the researcher suggests that future studies should develop frameworks specifically to assist these entities to improve the utilization of budgets and other management accounting tools in the face of the identified challenges. The proposed frameworks must use terminologies easily understood by owners/managers of SMEs, most of whom might not be financially literate.
In the light of the prior studies on Small Micro and Medium Enterprises, most studies focused on the business practices of these entities at a particular stage. In future, studies with a different time horizon will be more beneficial.
These should involve longitudinal or cross-sectional studies. In this way, the entities which have failed, those which have been stagnant and those which have grown over a time period under study will be involved in future studies. It expected that more knowledge will be generated by means of this approach.
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The utilisation of budgets by small and medium enterprises in the manufacturing industry in the Cape Metropole
Dear Participant,
You are invited to participate in a research study titled “The utilisation of Budgets by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the manufacturing industry in the Cape Metropole”. This study is being conducted by Phales Mbewe Mwanza, a Masters student at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT). The aim of the proposed study is to determine the extent to which SMEs in the manufacturing industry in the Cape Metropole utilise budgets. Budgets are important in the running of a business because they assist businesses in planning, controlling, coordinating and evaluating business activities.
As a decision maker of an SME in the manufacturing sector in the Cape Metropole, your opinions are very valuable to this study. Your participation in this study is voluntary and you are free to withdraw your participation at any time without obligation. The information provided will be kept in strict professional confidence. You will not be required to reveal your identification information as all responses will be recorded anonymously. While you will not receive any compensation for participating, the information collected in this study will hopefully contribute to the sustainability of SMEs in the manufacturing industry in South Africa.
For enquiries please contact Phales via the email address provided below:
Yours faithfully,
Phales Mbewe Mwanza