It is therefore hardly surprising that many of them read the reports of the rebellion in the 'white' press with slight scepticism. It is clearly understood that there is something sinister in the fact that some of the accused have traveled abroad and have visited countries such as China, the U.S.S.R.
All other industries and commerce will be controlled to aid the welfare of the people. South Africa will be a fully independent state, which respects the rights and sovereignty of all nations.
34; the crude and jackboat manner in which the arrests of the people before the court were effected." From the first demonstration of the boycott — the issue was the one-penny increase in the rate of 4d.
In other words, there is intimidation—but it is intimidation of the trade union type, intimidation which keeps a South Wales miner from going "blackleg*" when his fellow unionists call a strike. By negotiating issues like this reduced to nothing, with other means of expression rendered useless or forbidden, the boycott has become perhaps the only African weapon in the struggle of the black community to have its voice heard and its wishes taken into account.
There is another aspect of the South African situation that makes choosing the white liberal even more difficult and problematic. It has to do with the status of whites in South African society.
South African Jews, one of the most active pro-Zionist communities in the world, responded with understandable gratitude. Some of them are at the forefront of the struggle against nationalistic apartheid and authoritarianism.
The same can be said of the rat, or the fly, or the mosquito, or any other dangerous visitor." A Christian revival, a great stirring of mind and spirit, could save South Africa overnight, and it should hope so, for South Africa is, in at least nominally, an unusually Christian community.
Full set of job offices, pass system, etc. it allows the authorities to see that there are only the required number of workers in any area. In the Western Province, only so-called "males" are allowed to enter in search of work. This aspect of Government policy has been described in more detail elsewhere in this issue, but it should be pointed out that since 19^2 not a single house has been built for an African family in Langa and not in Nyanga, another African district. , since 19^4.
On the entire Cape Peninsula, in recent years, no homes have been built for families at all, and only hostels for "single men".
Eiselen openly laid out the steps the government is taking or will take to remove all Africans from the Western Cape. One wonders if the Government's own supporters are going to defend a policy that will lead to the economic ruin of the entire region. There is already evidence that Cape Town and the Western Province are generally developing at a slower pace than the rest of the country.
Compared to the other centers of the Union, industrial expansion in the Western Cape is slower and established industries are of less economic importance. If this continues, and it certainly will if some 100,000 of its inhabitants are removed, the Western Cape will become a sleepy backwater where all progress has come to a standstill.
It shows the callous attitude of the white racist towards the plight of African people in the cities. In 1894, the Prime Minister of the Cape Colony, Cecil Rhodes, developed a method of recruiting labor for the diamond mines and for white farmers. 34; In connection with the establishment of a new Native Municipality in Nyanga West, your Committee has been informed by the Ministry of Native Affairs that it is essen*.
34; In light of the special circumstances in relation to the Western Cape, the Minister of Native Affairs has agreed to the financing of Levy Funds from the reticulation of minimum necessary services within the scheme by way of an award in terms of section 19(3) bis ( f) of Act 2$ of 194^. Liaison services will be financed from Levy Funds in terms of section 19 (3) bis (d) of the Act.
In accordance with the general principle of the law, all cash rents by Africans of non-African-owned land became illegal. Beaumont and in 1916, with a slight delay caused by the outbreak of the First World War, it presented its results. The majority of the planned areas thus do not constitute a property market in the usually accepted sense of the term.
What opportunities do our law and practice offer to this segment of the population? But in terms of apartheid policy, urban areas are European areas where Africans have no right to property.
This meant that all squatter or black spot camps would now be controlled by the Divisional Council and that some sort of plan would be followed in the construction of pondokki and camps. 3 per week; my husband went to work in the bazaar in town, and I came into the room once or twice a week and sent £3 every two months to maintain the child in reserve." 2 In 1939-40 the government sent its officials castrated bulls people in the Transkei (each herd usually had its own bull), with the promise that the government would send the people dairy bulls that would improve their stock.
The £40 we used in building this place is about all the savings we had; transport is. If they know milk at all it is as it is sold in cans in the shops.
This table shows that the Europeans in Kenya hanged Africans at a rate of almost one per day for almost three and a half years. This is perhaps the best (if also the most painful) commentary on the true nature of the emergency. After all, for years before the emergency was declared, every intelligent European in Kenya (and even every unintelligent European, and there are many of them) was fully aware of the existence of deep African grievances.
But despite all these restrictions, there is bound to be political strife in Kenya in the coming months and years. Despite their loud declarations of self-confidence, the Kenyan settlers are no longer the self-elected supermen they once thought they were: and for all their crippling losses, the Africans of Kenya are no longer the sole object of policy.
We often hear about paternalism in colonial administration in Africa, but nowhere is this more evident than in the Belgian Congo. In this respect, Belgian industrialists are certainly far ahead of their colleagues elsewhere in Africa. At almost the same time, the Roman Catholic Episcopate issued a statement affirming that "the rights of the natives must take precedence".
Many of the proposed reforms are far in advance of the actual conditions in British Africa, for example, especially in West Africa. But 19^6 heard for the first time the authentic voices of the Congolese themselves thinking aloud about their future.
This development reflects the fact that few Americans actually feel that the racial situation in the United States is so complicated that the ideal of American equality cannot ultimately be fully realized. Samuel Gompers and William Green as presidents of the American Federation of Labor always patiently and earnestly defended the status quo, explaining that the AFL, as a central labor body, did not discriminate, but that it could not impose its different views on the matter. affiliated unions, as each was fully independent. By 193^ it was obvious to many influential leaders of the American Federation of Labor that the growth of labor unions had lagged far behind the expansion of American industry and the growth of the industrial population.
The leaders of the CIO would not agree to compromise the principle of industrial organization and were eventually expelled. American labor has also discovered that exploiting any part of the workforce, even a minority as small as 10%, drags down the standards of all labor.
There was a minor mutiny in the Nationalist Party when the government set up a commission to investigate BNSP allegations of mistreatment of African farm workers in the Bethal district. The commission found the position on these farms intolerable and that it was essential to create a native area in the district to give the African inhabitants an alternative to working for capitalist farmers. The Minister of the Interior announced that this area ''can be increased in the future by adding other similar land''.
This threat was sufficient to persuade most of the remaining non-African farmers in the district to sell out at bargain prices to Africans. The Nationalist Party's local branch revoked its protest decision and thanked the minister.
And this same minister still looks creepy. Said, does this change Of t e p i g m e n t a t i o n Of anv nation,. I reached into my pocket and pressed the radar switch that sent the radar missile, which.
People without titles before their names hear these words and shout them back.
During the day he came to this conclusion Tall Kgloma regarded the Headmaster with a respect that came very close to the w o r s h i p . A man from one of the factions grabbed Tall Kgloma and stopped him from running into the flames. When he did this, Tall Kgloma felt very satisfied, for he was sure that no book-keeper had ever dealt with such a disaster so successfully.
Once, while walking around the schoolroom after hearing a few lessons, the New School came across Lang Kgloma covering one of the packets of half-burnt book pages with a shiny new paper. He couldn't understand a single word of the exam paper, and after a while Tall Kgloma couldn't take it anymore.
The top hat, which now replaces the wig, was once Paul Kruger's state or Sunday best, the clerk, in leather trousers, wears an outfit Just as the old Voortrekkers wore—. And as a tribute to the role of British stock, the Sergeant wears plus-fours, like Bobby Locke. Bills, plans, proclamations, memoranda Beaten in procession upon his verbal flood, Behind them blows his restless propaganda—. And all from a strange need for guts and blood. His hundred-year design, his master plan to keep the Neths masters—and their clan.
On the academic pillars, a vile colossus, Goes resolutely deeper into the mire, To rage projects for joy to come-. And I absorb the reasons for them from my thumb. Smoke-darkened face, delicate as a fist, And eyes as clear - and as deep - as glass, T h e r e sits that outspoken, smoldering chauvinist, Gerhardus Brandman, hallowed "Th e B a a s."