Correspondence with secretary G D A b e rn y and a new eacon Rolfe dealing with the financial affairs of Beda Hall and taking over the proposed government. Correspondence is a monkey archbishop and a young eacon Rolfe, dealing with the building in Beda Hall. Correspondence relating to the chapel of Beda Hall and the stained glass in the house, with a place for the opening of the Chapel, with remine for the building of the rondavel church,.
Remarks by Bishop Ferguson-D avie on the attitude of the students of Beda Hall [after the strike?] and their accusations against him. Minutes of the Beda Hall Finance Committee and combined meetings with other hostels. C orrespondence regarding the opening of a new account, namely Beda Hall E n do w m ent Fund; also included the editor's book.
Brochures about Beda Hall, an appeal for money, information for prospective students, information about a Beda Hall reunion. Circular letter from Archbishop Rolfe sent to the clergy and people of the diocese asking for contributions to the Beda Hall Building Fund. Correspondence between Beda Hall (Bishop Ferguson-D avie & A rchd eacon Rolfe) and Lord and Lady.
C orcordance between Archdeacon Rolfe and the Diocese of St. John's about the M erv y n W illiams M emorial Bursary awarded to Bennie M okoa tle.
Notice issued by Bishop Ferguson-D avie informing students how to keep their room warm, etc. Letters to Bishop Ferguson-D avie & A rchd eacons A M H anley and H P Rolfe on Beda Hall annual reports from several bishops and G D A b e rn eth y . Letters from current pupils to former pupils giving new information about the hall and Fort Hare.
Letter from a former student to Archdeacon Rolfe about rugby jerseys and Torch C om m ando.
Provincial M issionary Conference of 1 9 4 9, Friends in England submitted by Bishop S m y th, W S M a lto n, Bishop Ferguson-D avie, A rchdeacon Rolfe. Signatories include: Bishop S m y th , Canon W y c h e , Archbishop of Capeland, C P S A Church Camp incumbents; L H enchm an, Bishop Ferguson-D avie, W E Ranby. Pam phlet addressed to members of the Anglican Church to point them out to build an Anglican Hostel.
Printed letter from the manager, Bishop S m yth a to Bishop Graham s town, informing him of events at the Anglican Hostel.
Financial records: Beda Hall W a rde n's Fund Receipts Book, Anglican Students Federation Fund Receipts Book, Statement of Accounts of the General Fund, W a rde n's Fund, Beda Hall Building Fund and related items.
A frican guild of Servers Collection of documents: (a) M v life rule of A G S, signed and dated, (b) service of admission to. Notice that Archbishop Rolfe has power to withdraw money from the Beda Hall Chapel Building Fund. A numbered list of articles on loan to the F S M alan M u seum , Fort H are, by Beda Hall.
Correspondence between the two Canons of W y c h e, Bishop Ferguso n-D avie, A rchdeacon Rolfe and the Church of the Province of South Africa dealing with R 8 0 0 left to Beda Hall by Bishop S m yth of the interest paid by the Church formed W a rd e n s ' Fund. Collection of letters from students and written to students by Bishop Ferguson-D avie dealing with the repayment of loans from the W a rd e n s ' Fund. Letters to R a w and Miss Robertson concerning financial matters paid by the War d e n s ' Fund.
List of candidates with resume applying for the post of Botany Lecturer. Report of the Committee on the Proposed Department of Music at Fort H are, Convener Archdeacon H P Rolfe. Records of the Faculty of Theology and the Board of Theological Studies held at Fort H deal with (a) commencement of the College (b) programs of study (c) arrangements for tuition fees, etc.
Papers from the Faculty of Divinity: tuition in Divinity subjects, list of prescribed books, proposed syllabi, bibliographies. Report by th e W arden Rev John S Amount on Iona House (Hostel Presbyterian) plus balance for the year 1 9 5 8. Correspondence relating to the possible preparation of a Chemist of Medical Aid at Fort Hare; m em orandum by Dr M a c v ic a r on the training of Native Aid Chemists in Durban; scale of wages and a large number of teachers and medical aids.
Points raised at the meeting held in Durban on 9 February 1 9 3 7 to discuss the commencement of a medical assistance program at Fort H. C orrespondence about the proposed donation of Syrian antiquities and curiosities that M a ry von Heidenstam intended to donate to the Fort Hare M u seu m.
Two shows, one about an athletics meet and another listing various sports matches at various venues. Iona Houses to discuss the R ockefeller Foundation's $2 million offer to the International Missionary Council. Correspondence regarding the decision adopted at the meeting of regional commissioners for the land for the construction of the Beda hall.
Letters to Bishop Ferguson-D avie including some describing his experiences as an I A F pilot in India.
KERR, Alexander PR 3 3 2 5 Letter to Bishop Ferguson-Davie on money business. received to enable Ernest M ancoba to study in Paris. Letter to Bishop Ferguson-Davie on personal matters; testimony of Bishop Ferguson-D avia,. medical report from Victoria Hospital and letter from Bishop Ferguson-D avie for " W Wellington " administration. information about Kgasa. Correspondence concerning the 1 9 3 3 flogging case involving Tshekedi; and the death of his second. The signatories are: Bishop Ferguson-D avie, Eleanor Hull, A H ib b e rt-Ware, Lance M allalien. Correspondence about his desire to study as a doctor abroad. Letter from Gilbert Khom [to Bishop Ferguson-Davie?]. informed him of his arrival in Edinburgh. Two letters from M Konenoord to Edward Hans on his attitude towards family and life. Letters from Konrad Koza and his father to Bishop Ferguson-Davie about Koza's activities and other personal matters. Letters from D A H unter, Honorary Secretary of the V ictoria H ospital, to Bishop Sm yth and A lexand er Kerr regarding an increase in fees at the V ictoria H ospital. Correspondence between Lubog and the Principal of Fort H, and between the Bursar and Immigration Officer, the Principal of A chim o ta College and Fort Hare, and the Director of Education Uganda, regarding Lubog's ad m tan ce to Fort H so. Correspondence including Bishop Ferguson-D avie and others on Y usu fu Lule. Correspondence between Lule and Bishop Ferguson-Davie, Bishop of Uganda, S ociety for Promoting Christian Knowledge and Principal of M akere College regarding Lule's application for an SPCK scholarship to study medicine abroad. Letters to Canon when M Alton was Acting Warden at Beda Hall dealing with Beda Hall affairs and personal matters. Beda Hall's postcard sent to Canon W y c h e asks if it will be of any use to him. Correspondence on the financial affairs of Geoffrey Mam o bol also includes the testimony of Bishop Ferguson-D avie. The signatories are: Bishop Fuller, Bishop Ferguson-D avie. carbon copies of Bishop Ferg American n-D avie's letters extremely difficult to read). Ferguson-D avie, dealing with Mgijim's loans, travel expenses and domestic affairs; two medical reports are also included. Letter to Warden Bishop Ferguson-Davie informing him of Mq w e b u's intention to leave the University, with Bishop Ferguson-Davie's reply on verso.
Correspondence between Senator Rheinallt Jones and the Secretary of External Affairs dealing with money paid to Ernest M a n co b a. Letter to Archd eacon Rolfe dealing with the Times Educational S up plement possibly sent to Beda Hall by different people, plus a list of possible senders. In full letter concerning money lent by Provincial Board of Trustee and role of congregation in Beda Hall.
C orrespondence between Archdeacon Rolfe and G D A b e rn e y regarding the proposed acquisition of Fort H are University College and the money to be received for buildings. Letter to Canon Cyrill W y che on W y che's retirement as director of Beda Hall, containing matters about Beda Hall and describing his travels. Archbishop of Cape Town and Canon W y addressed the position of the Church in relation to the University C ollege, the needs and finances of Beda Hall.
Letter to Bishop Ferguson-D avie telling him to use his own discretion regarding the World Fund. Miscellaneous correspondence re departure from Cape Town, academic m atters at Fort H are, renting land from Lovedale. Extract of H S omerset's dispatch relating to battle near Sandili's Kop, Fort Hare; mention made by A dju ta n t Gordon; also included an extract from Rev George B row n's diary.
A letter to Archd eacon Rolf dealing with the transfer of money to the Beda Hall Building Fund and asking. Letter to Archdeacon Rolf dealing with extracts from the minutes of the Executive Committees of the South African Missionary Council of the Church in Scotland. Letter to Bishop Ferguson-Davie from 0 D W ollheim, Principal of S Senator W Welsh Native High School, dealing with N galosh's return to Fort H are.
Correspondence with Bishop Ferguson-D avie, the A rchbishop, the Bishop of George regarding his resignation as Bursar of Beda Hall and the appointment of H L H and chm an.
Group photos of students in Beda Hall, with Bishop S m y th , the Misses S m yths, Miss Ethel R obertson and Mrs G aunt.
Photograph of some of those present at the christening in Verulam of a member of the Joshua family sent by Mrs Joshua to Bishop Ferguson-Davie. Photograph of S N ikani, Miss Ntuli of Lovedale, sitting on a log and another African woman standing, and a portrait of S N ikani. Photograph of Bishop S m yth with choristers, servers and priest at St O sw alds, Chester; photographer u n know o w n.
Collection of Photographs by Bishop S m yth (1) African Huts and Landscapes (2) Group of People at Roadside Picnic Sitting [?Bishop S m yth].