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The role of premarital counselling for marriage stability: a pastoral examination of the interface between the Christian and Alago Indigenous Epawoza concept of marriage preparation.


Academic year: 2023

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This study focuses on the pastoral examination of the interface between the premarital counseling methods of the Evangelical Reformed Church of Christ (ERCC) and the Alago indigene Epawoza concept of marriage preparation in a quest to help stem the tide of marital instability among the Alago people in Nigeria. Therefore, using the prevention, contextualization, and see-judge-act frameworks as tools, the ultimate goal of the study is to develop a synergistic premarital pastoral counseling model that ERCC ministers can use to improve marital stability among Alago Christians.


What are the strengths and weaknesses of the current premarital counseling that the ERCC offers to the Alago. To assess the strengths and weaknesses of the current premarital counseling offered by the ERCC to the Alago Christians.

Background and motivation for the research

Historical background of the Alago people

  • Origin of the Alago people
  • Location of the Alago people
  • Alago political administrative structure
  • Religious beliefs of the Alago people
  • Social life of the Alago people
  • The economic life of the Alago people

Agwatashi because Alago Christians of the ERCC Keana Conference are predominantly located in these towns. In the political sphere of Alago society there are individuals who specialize in dealing with deaths and funerals.

Motivation for the research

Chapter seven is a critical review of the interface between the Alago and ERCC premarital counseling models. These two missionary organizations began to work among the people of Alag in the early part of the 20th century (see Omaku 2014: 29).

Table 3.4.1 Respondent’s understanding of the meaning of Epawoza in relation to marriage
Table 3.4.1 Respondent’s understanding of the meaning of Epawoza in relation to marriage

Research problems and objectives

Research problems and questions

  • Research problem
  • Key research questions
  • Sub-research questions

Research objectives

To investigate the major sources of challenges facing marriages resulting in domestic violence and divorce in Nigeria among the Alago people. To develop a new model of premarital counseling that ERCC pastors will use to promote sustainable marriages among the Alago people.

Significance of the study

To examine the aspects of premarital counseling from Alago indigenous knowledge systems that can be used or transformed by the church to improve the stability of Alago marriage in Nigeria. However, existing literature on marriage lacks ideas that utilize Alago indigenous knowledge systems in premarital counseling.

Preliminary literature review; theories underpinning the study and methodology… 21

Brief overview of theories underpinning the study

The contextual theory helps make this study relevant to the socio-economic, cultural, political and religious context of the Alago people. I have detailed discussions of the above theoretical frameworks in Chapter Three of this study.

Brief overview of methodology

Library research also played a role in this study as one of the methods for obtaining data. The methodological limitation of this study lies in the position of the researcher, who is an insider among the Alago ethnic group and a clergy of the ERCC.

Definition of key concepts



However, this study is set in the context that sees divorce as a very painful option in a relationship, leaving both parties, including children, emotionally traumatized, in addition to other disadvantages that include negative feelings about refusing to forgive or to admit wrongdoing, visitation arrangements. if children are involved, the lack of role models for a successful relationship, friction throughout the family system, the portrayal of negative views of marriage to siblings, the stress and financial hardships caused by single parenthood (2007:66).

Pastoral counselling

This study confirms that pastoral counseling is a special ministry offered by individuals who may be appointed by the church as pastors or pastors. The study examines the effectiveness of the counseling ministries offered by ERCC ministers among the Alago people, with the intention of equipping them with more comprehensive premarital counseling tools that can help improve the stability of marriages so that Christian couples can mature and become steadfast. steadfast against the crises of contemporary times.

Premarital counselling




Seeing this, the lady's parent will toga (a shout of joy) and they will dance shouting out arihin vahnoh (my palm nut produces oil). As noted above, one of the aspects of marriage preparation among the Alago people is the traditional rite of kwinu (virginity test).


Scope and limitations of the study

Contribution of the study to knowledge

This thesis makes a significant contribution to knowledge in that, using insights gained from the Alago and ERCC premarital counseling methods, the researcher has developed a new model of premarital counseling called Synergistic Premarital Pastoral Counseling (SPPC) that ERCC ministers can use in helping intended couples to properly prepare for marriage. This new model is more comprehensive in nature than the existing ERCC premarital counseling methods and promises to be more effective in curbing domestic violence and divorce among the Alaga people in Nigeria because it inculcates the positive values ​​of the Alaga Epawoz concept of marriage preparation.

Structure of the study



The concept of Christian marriage

  • The geographical meaning of Christian marriage
  • Social meaning of Christian marriage
  • The psychological meaning of Christian marriage
  • The spiritual meaning of Christian marriage
  • Dating in Christian marriage

According to Anderson & Guernsey, fidelity is "surrendering one's own cause to the cause of another. The Bible suggests that the unity of husband and wife is somehow stronger than that of a man and his relatives.

Same sex marriage

I think that the assertion by Anderson & Guernsey is worth noting in response to the arguments in favor of same-sex marriage. Furthermore, Stanton and Maier state that the other example of same-sex marriage in a culture is found in Native American indigenous tribes (2005:51).


19:4-6, Cunningham argues that Jesus reiterated the issue of man and woman becoming one flesh. But to say that God would have made another wife for Adam if Adam had not chosen to marry Eve, as Dollar argues, goes far beyond the context of the story in Genesis 2:18-25.

The Role of Premarital Counselling for Marriage Stability

  • Premarital counselling as a prerequisite for Christian marriage
  • Biblical position for premarital counselling
  • Key issues that should be addressed in premarital counselling
  • Premarital counselling as a responsibility of ministers/elders
  • The importance of premarital counselling

I believe that although premarital counseling can cost time and money, it is worth the effort. One of the theoretical frameworks that supports this study is contextual theory, which aims to help us apply the principles of premarital counseling to people according to their context.

Factors responsible for instability in Christian marriage

  • Sex related factors
  • Economic/money related factors
  • Social factors
  • Ecclesiastical factors
  • External interference/factors
  • Poor communication
  • Psychological factors
  • Cultural factors
  • Biological factors
  • Hygienic factors
  • Spiritual factors

According to the report, there was a weakness in the pastoral ministry given by the church in many African societies. Ignorance of these factors and how to deal with them can lead to problems in marriage.

Pastoral care and counselling as a basis for premarital counselling

John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church who lived in the 18th century, also encouraged pastors and church leaders. Clinebell is of the opinion that "pastoral care is a response to the need that everyone has for warmth, care, support and care" (1984:46).


The research gap is the lack of literature that utilizes Alago indigenous knowledge systems in premarital counseling. Interface between the Christians and the Alago Indigenous Epawoza Concepts of Marriage Preparation: Theoretical Frameworks and Research Methodologies.


Next, the see-judge-act theory calls for a careful look and analysis of the various factors that result in failed marriages among the Alago, in order to recommend appropriate strategies that can help address the underlying problem of the study. This chapter also discusses the significance of the Alago indigenous Epawoza concept of marriage preparation and its associated model of marriage preparation; stating its strengths and weaknesses.

Theoretical Frameworks

The Theory of Prevention

Prevention strategies at this stage focus on improving people's socio-physical environment, particularly through poverty alleviation and low-cost housing programs for the population. In order to improve the stability of the larger society, attention is usually directed to improving the health, economic, educational, and social institutions and policies of the people (CDC, ND: website).

The Contextual Theory

Paul's statement in the preceding scripture shows that he expresses faith in the importance of integrating the content of the gospel message with the context in which he found his audience with the goal of soul winning. It is a holistic view of humanity, the study of man as he participates in the integrated systems of learned behavior patterns, ideas and products characteristic of his society."

The See-Judge-Act Theory

This framework is important to this study because it provides a basis on which the researcher can develop a premarital counseling approach from the worldview of the indigenous Alago Epawoza concept of marriage preparation, eroded over the years due to Western culture that enveloped the Christian gospel. . for achieving the objectives of this research. The interaction of the seat, judge and act process works like this: See - "to see, hear and experience the lived reality of individuals and communities". Judge - "The word 'judge' is used here in a positive sense - to analyze the situation and make an informed judgment about it."

Research Methodologies

  • Research design
    • Qualitative empirical research methods
    • Research site and the procedure to gain access
  • Research methodology
    • Methods of data collection
    • Procedures for data collection
    • Research participants
  • Data analysis: procedures and methods
    • Procedure for data analysis
    • Methods of data analysis
  • Methodological limitations
  • Confidentiality and ethical considerations

The focus group discussion enabled the researcher to obtain rich information from the research participants. Considering the ethical issues involved in this study, the researcher scheduled meetings with the participants for both individual in-depth interviews and focus group discussion.

The meaning of Alago indigenous Epawoza concept of marriage preparation and

The meaning of Epawoza in terms of marriage preparation among the Alago

Two (2) persons representing 8% of the respondents expressed their understanding of Epawoz as "fulfillment is when husband and wife live together as one". Also, two (2) respondents, representing 8% of the interviewees, gave different views regarding the meaning of the concept of Epawoz in terms of marriage.

Alago marriage

  • Name of marriage
  • Age for marriage
  • Marriage engagement
  • Bridal wealth/none moneytary rite of marriage
  • The wedding/giving and receiving of the bride
  • Virginity testing
  • Wedding reception

Okikpo and other women from the future husband's family would march to the bride's family compound with songs of joy to bring the Onyape (new wife or bride) to her matrimonial home (2015:2). The next rite following the giving and taking of the bride was Okwinu (virginity testing).

The Alago indigenous Epawoza model of Marriage preparation

  • Oyi byobi Communal participation in Child upbringing
  • Oka doda Investigation into the character and family history of lovers
  • Odu ko onyape Communal contribution towards bridal wealth,

One of the respondents said that “The Alago tradition glorifies chastity which is represented in practice during their festivals. One of the respondents reveals that the boys were trained to be great wrestlers; this training was given to the boy as part of preparations to become a responsible man in the future.

Strengths and weaknesses of the Alago model of marriage preparations…

  • The strengths of the Alago indigenous Epawoza concept of marriage
  • Weaknesses of the Alago indigenous Epawoza concept of

The Alago people believe that any embarrassment of the couple due to lack of adequate preparation was an embarrassment to the entire extended family;. The traditional Alago examination before approval of a marriage application is in line with one of the theoretical frameworks of this thesis; the theory of prevention.


It is crucial to note that despite the good things inherent in Alago's original model of marriage preparation, it has its drawbacks, which we have also highlighted in this chapter. The narration in this chapter is a testimony that Alago indigenous culture is so rich in its own unique way, especially in terms of marriage preparation.


The Historical Overview of Evangelical Reformed Church of Christ (ERCC) and its Model of Premarital Counseling. This will provide the premise upon which to formulate a new comprehensive premarital counseling model that the ERCC can adopt for promoting marital stability among its members.

The historical overview of the ERCC

ERCC vision and mission statement

  • Minimal involvement of female counsellors

The work of the Holy Spirit is to glorify God in the lives of believers. Another method of premarital counseling in the church is to seek consent from the bride and groom's parents for the planned wedding.

Table 4.4  Respondents’  understanding  of  the  meaning  of  premarital  counselling  in  the  ERCC
Table 4.4 Respondents’ understanding of the meaning of premarital counselling in the ERCC


The see-judge-act theoretical framework of this study allows us to see the model of premarital counseling that was bequeathed to the church by the missionaries. I will also discuss, through a pastoral lens, the interface between ERCC and the indigenous Epawoza models of Alago premarital counseling.


Changes noticed in the Alago traditional Epawoza methods of marriage preparation

Paradigm Shift on the right of choosing a marriage partner

Attitudinal change towards character formation and property accumulation 185

Virginity test

Preparing the boy-child for marriage

The interface between the Alago indigenous and the ERCC models of

Notification of marriage among the Alago

Premarital investigations

Personnel involved in premarital counselling

Settlement of bridal wealth and collecting/distributing of wedding gifts…

Synergistic Premarital Pastoral Counselling (SPPC) Model for the ERCC…

Exposition of the SPPC model

Application of the SPPC model

Logistics for the application of the SPPC model

Stages for the application of the SPPC model

  • Encouraging early premarital counselling through godly parenting
  • Conducting group premarital counselling with the youth
  • Conducting premarital counseling with the intending couple
  • Conducting comprehensive premarital checks before the wedding
  • Notifying the church about the intended marriage
  • Guiding, planning and conducting the wedding program in
  • Mobilizing material support for the couple
  • The need for referral in premarital counseling
  • Recruiting competent and gender sensitive premarital

Experimental need for assessing the effectiveness of the synergistic premarital



Summary of findings

The reality of marriage intability

Redefining marriage

Divorce as failed marriage

Premarital counselling

  • Alago indigenous premarital counselling
  • ERCC premarital counselling
  • Hybridity in counselling
  • The proposed synergistic model of premarital counselling


Recommendations for further research

Turnitin original report


Ethical clearance approval


Table 3.4.1 Respondent’s understanding of the meaning of Epawoza in relation to marriage
Table 4.4  Respondents’  understanding  of  the  meaning  of  premarital  counselling  in  the  ERCC
Table 6.4.1  Respondents’  understanding  of  factors  that  are  responsible  for  marriage  instability/divorce among the Alago Christians


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