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Shale gas potential of the Main Karoo Basin Externality costs of coal-based electricity South African timber products in green building


Academic year: 2023

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The President of the United States has (as of this writing) committed just under $10 billion to the state of Texas (not yet mentioning the devastation in eastern Louisiana). In the year 1647 the ship Haarlem ran aground in this bay ... past and north of the Salt River'8.

Figure 1:  Fair sheet of Table Bay, dating to 1663, with the approximate position of the Haarlem wreck marked
Figure 1: Fair sheet of Table Bay, dating to 1663, with the approximate position of the Haarlem wreck marked

Geophysical surveys

This line ended a little south of this point, but still at Sunset Beach. This number may be higher, as there are at least 94 wrecks in the Table Bay area of ​​which the place of destruction has not been specified.20 Of the 34 wrecks of which the approximate location is known, one dates from the 17th century (Haarlem, 1647) . .


However, the copper hull sheet showed its earliest period of construction from the late 18th century. These ships would not have had copper foil in their hulls, with the possible exception of the Severe.

The performance of extended diploma students in other years of chemistry modules is given in Figure 4. The statistics mentioned above show the performance of students in the extended diploma program in chemistry over the last 10 years.

Figure 1:   Average performance of students in the Extended BSc  Programme in the Chemistry proficiency test in relation to  their achievement levels in Grade-12 Physical Sciences for the  period 2005 to 2012.
Figure 1: Average performance of students in the Extended BSc Programme in the Chemistry proficiency test in relation to their achievement levels in Grade-12 Physical Sciences for the period 2005 to 2012.


These topics are related to (1) factors hindering ecological restoration in abandoned agricultural fields in the renosterveld, (2) evaluating the success of ecological restoration in abandoned agricultural fields in the renosterveld, and (3) moving towards an integrated approach to ecological restoration of abandoned agricultural fields in the renosterveld. Restoration attempts on abandoned renosterveld agricultural fields should focus on an integrated ecological restoration approach (Figure 1).

Table 1:  Summary of factors that hinder ecological restoration success, based on the 11 reviewed field-based  ecological restoration experiments conducted in abandoned agricultural fields of renosterveld
Table 1: Summary of factors that hinder ecological restoration success, based on the 11 reviewed field-based ecological restoration experiments conducted in abandoned agricultural fields of renosterveld


Here the importance of pollination, the role players involved, their management and the evolution of their interactions, behavior and morphology - with a particular focus on South African bees - is reviewed. Pollen metabarcoding will enable pollen identification for a multitude of uses, including agriculture, conservation and forensics.

The value of pollination

Advances in the genetic analysis of DNA, using DNA barcoding, extracted directly from pollen offer an innovative alternative to traditional methods of pollen identification. Plant-pollinator interaction documentation through pollen identification provides a more certain record that a visitor is a pollinator rather than a flower visitor who could be a nectar collector.

Plant–pollinator interactions

The morphology of the pollen is then carefully analyzed (palynology) to identify or confirm the plant species from which it originated. The pollen carrier must also be identified to draw accurate conclusions,2 a function normally performed by various taxonomic specialists in entomology.

Pollinator declines

Even when pollen is transferred to a receptive stigma, genetic incompatibility between pollen and plant can still prevent fertilization from occurring, as pollen tubes may not germinate, growth of pollen tubes along the style may be terminated, or pollen may simply not be viable.31 Fertilization may not be successful because the pollen deposited on the stigma comes from a different species of plant. In addition, the morphological characteristics of pollen from different plant species or genera can be very similar, especially if they are closely related, requiring a broad palynological knowledge base to accurately distinguish between these samples.34 Mixed pollen samples from closely related species would therefore require a highly skilled and knowledgeable palynologist, usually an expert familiar with the pollen from the area to be surveyed.

Managing pollinators

Identification based on palynology requires sufficient knowledge of the field and good knowledge and expertise of the morphological structures of pollen, especially of related plant species. The impact of introducing any non-native species into the environment must therefore be carefully considered, as it could be devastating to native ecosystems.

Harnessing genetic methods to examine floral choice

A larger region with the same barcode used for metabarcoding commercial honey76 – the chloroplast trnL (UAA) intron region – was used to test the effectiveness of NGS in identifying the plant origin of airborne pollen59. In addition, a database is required for each barcode region used, with the availability of barcode sequences for these databases dependent on the use of the DNA region within the taxon studied.

Table 1:  A comparison of the recently published pollen metabarcoding  studies, focusing on the application of the study, the barcode  region selected and the next-generation sequencing platform  used in the study
Table 1: A comparison of the recently published pollen metabarcoding studies, focusing on the application of the study, the barcode region selected and the next-generation sequencing platform used in the study


Pollen samples will subsequently be misaligned with available sequences in the reference database or remain unidentified. The available ITS2 database has also recently been expanded by nearly 2.5 times for plants. 61 Curated databases provide greater confidence in the underlying sequence data, while sequences in NCBI are often taxonomically misclassified but sometimes represent the only available entry for a certain type.

Authors’ contributions

Resilience researchers should be aware of the lack of research focusing on resilience processes in sexually abused adolescent girls, as well as the absence of innovative, participatory data collection methods. Often a numerical analysis of the size and nature of studies and a thematic analysis are presented.

Table 1:  Arksey and O’Malley’s 49  five-stage model
Table 1: Arksey and O’Malley’s 49 five-stage model

Individual factors

Of the 11 studies, 4 adopted a qualitative research design, 1 used mixed methods and 6 were quantitative. Edmond et al.62 found the presence of optimism regarding the future characteristic of the resilient girls in their study.

Resilience-enabling ecologies

Phasha21, exploring educational resilience following CSA, found that the young women in her study adapted positively by making sense of their experiences of sexual violence as temporary or learning experiences without guilt. As in Phasha's study21, this attempt to make sense of the disaster conveyed a sense of hope and optimism for the participants: “For once I was able to put it aside.


A systematic review of the psychological factors associated with resilience among survivors of sexual abuse [master's thesis]. Factors influencing length of stay in adult outpatient physical rehabilitation: A scoping review of the literature.

Materials and Methods

A cross-validation method was applied to calibrate the models using 70% of the data and find the optimal number of components. Partitioning the data into independent training and test datasets was performed using an onion algorithm.43 An onion algorithm was chosen in this study to avoid arbitrary partitioning of data that may cause biased results.7 The principle of of the onion algorithm is to keep out covariant data plus those that are randomly distributed inside.49.


Although PLSR is known to reduce the dimensionality of data to a few uncorrelated (orthogonal) components, inclusion of all the wavebands was not helpful in the predictive performance of PLSR models – results consistent with Liu50, Chung and Keles51 and Filzmoser et al. .52 However, when data dimensionality was reduced to useful bands using iPLSR, the performance of models (R2 and RMSE) improved significantly. According to Darvishzadeh et al.7, soil background often has a negative effect on the predictive power of hyperspectral data when LAI is low.

Table 1:  R 2 cv , root mean square error (RMSE) and the number of com- com-po nents of training partial least square regression (PLSR) and  interval PLSR (iPLSR) models prediction for the three sampling  periods in summer and the pooled data
Table 1: R 2 cv , root mean square error (RMSE) and the number of com- com-po nents of training partial least square regression (PLSR) and interval PLSR (iPLSR) models prediction for the three sampling periods in summer and the pooled data


Comparison of three methods for estimating leaf area index of paddy rice from optimal hyperspectral bands. Comparison of partial least squares and support vector regressions for predicting leaf area index in a tropical grassland using hyperspectral data.

Figure 6:  One-to-one relationship (m 2 /m 2 ) between measured and predicted leaf area index (LAI) for validating partial least square regression (PLSR) and  interval partial least square regression (iPLSR) models on an independent test data set in (a) ea
Figure 6: One-to-one relationship (m 2 /m 2 ) between measured and predicted leaf area index (LAI) for validating partial least square regression (PLSR) and interval partial least square regression (iPLSR) models on an independent test data set in (a) ea

Modelling techniques

The Gini coefficient is one of the most popular measures to use in retail credit scoring 4-6 and has the added advantage of being a single number3. To measure the combined Gini of the segmented models in the validation set, the predicted probabilities of all segments were combined and the Gini was calculated in the overall, combined set.

Data sets

However, in this case the structure of the data set clearly suited the technique. However, to date no studies have been conducted to quantify the environmental impacts of the various systems in South Africa.

Table 5:  Wine quality data set: Comparison of performance
Table 5: Wine quality data set: Comparison of performance

Goal and scope

We present the potential environmental impact of the modeled products and discuss adjustments and assumptions regarding the availability of South Africa-specific life cycle inventory (LCI) data and the validity of results obtained. A study by Niyobuhungira25 found that more than 50% of the residential fuelwood used in peri-urban areas in the Western Cape was CCA-treated.

Results and discussion

The difference in the size of the carbon dioxide flow between the two wood systems is interesting to note. Life cycle environmental performance of renewable building materials in the context of residential construction [document on the Internet].

Figure 1 shows the cradle-to-grave GWP incline for the three materials  and the two house sizes
Figure 1 shows the cradle-to-grave GWP incline for the three materials and the two house sizes


The role of 'African chemists' in the health care system of the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. Income Mobility in South Africa: Evidence from the First Two Waves of the Study of National Income Dynamics.

Table 1:  Urban localities in Cape Town sampled for wild harvested natural resource based businesses and traditional healers
Table 1: Urban localities in Cape Town sampled for wild harvested natural resource based businesses and traditional healers

Externality costs of the coal-fuel chain

In South Africa, due to the importance of coal, there are a number of studies that have estimated the externality costs associated with coal-based power generation (Table 3). The rest of the studies in Table 3 are independent studies carried out in a single project for a specific plant (Kusile), so their externality costs have been summarized.

Table 1:  Summary of the coal-fuel cycle environmental and societal impacts
Table 1: Summary of the coal-fuel cycle environmental and societal impacts

Research method: A system dynamics approach

The sub-model has one state variable - the opportunity cost of water use per unit (UOCWU, ZAR/m3) - which plays a key role in the calculation of the opportunity cost of water use in the coal-fuel cycle. Supplementary Figure 4 presents the structure of this submodel, which consists of two stocks – the price of maize per unit and the value per unit of ecosystem services generated by grasslands.

Figure 1:  Causal-loop diagram of the coal-based power and social cost assessment model.
Figure 1: Causal-loop diagram of the coal-based power and social cost assessment model.

Model outcomes

The combustion phase with associated activities (i.e. FGD system, waste disposal and plant construction) therefore represents the largest share of the external costs (more than two-thirds). In addition, the baseline model revealed that most external costs stem from three types of externalities, namely water use (more than 65%), health costs from air pollution (more than 21%), and climate change impacts from greenhouse gas emissions (more than 10%).

Way forward for the South African government

Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This paper is mainly about identifying the impact of the decision to lower the entry requirement for honors on the progression within that programme.

An analysis based on a weighted average mark in honours

A weighted average grade in the final year of the bachelor's program must exceed a threshold of 55% before a student is allowed to enroll in an honors degree. Parameter estimates for Equation 2 are derived from the comprehensive set of data, which includes the 6165 UKZN graduates with a weighted average score for their final year of undergraduate study of 50-55% and the 3233 UKZN-based undergraduate students who were allowed to register cum laude.

Table 3 shows the results of regressing the weighted average mark in  honours of each of the 3233 students against a set of appropriately  chosen predictor variables
Table 3 shows the results of regressing the weighted average mark in honours of each of the 3233 students against a set of appropriately chosen predictor variables

Possible limitations

These estimates are made without any measurements of the actual available gas content of the shale. This is the first report of direct measurements of actual gas content in southern Karoo Basin shales.

Geological setting

This concentration is comparable to that of the Whitehill and Prince Albert formations in KZF-01. Negligible amounts of desorbed and residual gas volumes suggest that natural gas, if it originated at some point in the geologic history of the strata (rock sequence), is not preserved in KZF-01 and KWV-01.

Figure 2:  Simplified lithostratigraphic logs of boreholes KZF-01, BH 47 and KWV-01 showing the stratigraphic distribution of desorbed and residual gas  samples, total organic carbon (TOC Chem ) content, and Kübler index values
Figure 2: Simplified lithostratigraphic logs of boreholes KZF-01, BH 47 and KWV-01 showing the stratigraphic distribution of desorbed and residual gas samples, total organic carbon (TOC Chem ) content, and Kübler index values


Figure 1:  Fair sheet of Table Bay, dating to 1663, with the approximate position of the Haarlem wreck marked
Figure 4 illustrates an example of the magnetic data that cover one of the  principle target areas.
Figure 4:  Detailed magnetic survey of the principal target area, imme- imme-diately to the west of the Dolphin Beach Hotel.
Figure 1:  The conceptual framework of the suggested integrated ecological restoration approach for renosterveld.


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